Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Godforsaken

I am lost in no man's land with no soul around; I am a hapless castaway. This little world seems like an endless universe. Every moment, anxiety cuts open a deeper wound. Hope has estranged me for a while now.

As I look towards the heavens above in utter desperation, I hear a reassuring voice - "Net is up!". Everything reverts to normalcy instantly. I am home.


Anonymous said...

Yes indeed.. Net is our best friend, browsing being our favourite pastime.

The whole world is "void" without internet :-)

Vaishnavi Tekumalla said...

You know, I often did we survive without it?

ManojG said...

Vaish, Chaitra:
That's the irony. In as many ways technology is a boon to us, it is a bane. It creates anxiety and that kills. Mobile Phones pretty much fall into the same category.
They are life support systems nonetheless these days.

Sunil Jagadish said...

How true. My broadband was down (Thanks to BSNL) for 2 days and I couldnt stop myself from using my dial-up.