Tuesday, December 28, 2004

An experiment in the spirit of science

Not so long ago,

Experiment : Vodka + Worcestershire Sauce* + Tomato Juice + Chocolate + Red Wine
Catalyst : Vodka + Orange Juice
Guinea Pig : Me
Effect : Me**
Side-Effects : This blog entry

Research Team: Asha, Swapnil & Myself

* Ask Asha for more details
** A chemical warzone


Swapnil said...

You forgot green chili (Cut vertically) and freshly ground cinnamon and pepper. Asha, was it whole egg or only egg white? I don't remember throwing away the shell either. ;)

Swapnil said...

Worcestershire sauce :
An English condiment whose recipe was apparently discovered in the East Indies by Sir Marcus Sandys a native of W'shire. It's made of malt vinegar, molasses, sugar, shallot, garlic, tamarind, clove, anchovy essence and meat extract. Don't try and make it. Just pick up a bottle of Leah and Perrins.
(Source: http://www.tulleeho.com/recipes/vodkarecipe.asp?ID=5#)

Small Routines said...

Ah, mystery solved! So this was it - the maid was asking how the dishwashing liquid got over so fast.......!!!!